Most Frequently Imposed Conditions of Release (Pretrial)
Report on a regular basis to the supervising officer
Maintain or actively seek employment
Refrain from possession of a firearm, destructive device, or other dangerous weapon
Surrender any passport to: U.S. District Clerk
Obtain no passport
Submit to any method of testing required by the pretrial services office
Refrain from obstructing or tampering with the efficiency of any substance testing or location monitoring
Participate in a program of inpatient or outpatient substance abuse counseling
Defendant detained until he/she can be released into an inpatient treatment facility
Travel is restricted to the State of Rhode Island. Any other travel must be pre-approved by U.S. Pretrial Services
Avoid all contact, either direct or indirect with the following named person(s):
No unsupervised contact with any minor children
Refrain from ANY use of alcohol.
Refrain for excessive use of alcohol
Participate in one of the following location monitoring components
- Curfew
- Home Detention
- Home Incarceration
Location Monitoring (with one of the options listed above)
Refrain from any use or unlawful possession of a narcotic drug and other controlled substances
Undergo medical or psychiatric treatment and/or remain in an institution, as follows: ______________
Execute a bond or an agreement to forfeit upon failing to appear as required
Post with the court the following indicia of ownership of the above-described property
Execute a bail bond with solvent sureties in the amount of $
Return to custody each (week) day as of __________ after being released each (week) day as of ________________ for employment, schooling or the following limited _______________
Maintain or commence an educational program
Maintain residence at a halfway house or community corrections center
Report contact with any law enforcement personnel
Other (as the Court may impose)
Possible Bail Alternatives (Pretrial)
There are times when the Court will determine that it is in the best interest of the justice that an individual can only be released to the community with special conditions that will increase the likelihood that the offender will either appear for their future hearings or decrease the potential danger to the community. As indicated in the conditions outlined elsewhere in the Pretrial Unit section of this site, the Court may impose one of those alternatives of home incarceration, home detention, or curfew. Below is a more detailed description of those alternatives.
What is location monitoring, what does it entail, and when is it available as a sentencing alternative?
Location monitoring is an alternative to incarceration in certain cases where an participant must remain at his or her residence during specified hours. The three forms of location monitoring are: 1.) curfew, under which the participant is restricted during certain specified hours, usually at night; 2.) home detention, under which the participant remains at home at all times except for approved leave for employment, education, medical attention, or treatment; and, 3.) home incarceration, under which the participant is restricted to his or her residence at all times except for approved leave for religious or medical reasons. Probation officers monitor this special condition by telephone contacts, unannounced home contacts, and/or location monitor devices such as GPS and RF.
The Court may also require that the defendant may only be released to an in-patient treatment program and only upon successful completion of this program will the Court consider general or less restrictive release conditions.
For information regarding the Pretrial Diversion Program please refer to that page within this section of the site.