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Color Code

If you have been placed in the in the Color-Code Random Urinalysis Program as a condition of your pretrial services supervision. The procedures of the program are described below.

You will be assigned one of various colors - for example, Red, Yellow, Purple, Brown, etc.

You are to call our office every Sunday through Thursday between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. at (401) 752-7375 to obtain the color for the next day. If the color matches your assigned color, you are to report to the U.S. Probation Office, Providence for the following day between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and be prepared to provide a fresh, clean, unadulterated and undiluted specimen. An inability to provide a sample will be looked at as a refusal to provide a sample.

You must provide to the collector at the time you report to the probation office, copies of any prescriptions and/or over the counter drugs you have taken in the two weeks prio r to the specimen. Your ur ine will be tested for drugs and/or alcohol.

Please be advised that if your urine sp ecimen tests positive for a controlled substance that was not prescribed to you, or you attempt to tamper with the collection procedure or inge st a substance in an attempt to alter the results of the test, it will be considered a violation of your supervision and may be reported to the Court. Possible responses include increased urine surveillance, verbal/written reprimands, referral to substance abuse treatment, a modification of your conditions, or revocation of your release.